We take on the burdens and expectations of others: your spouse; your parents; your boss; your children.
Their issues and problems may become yours.
A cup can only be filled with that much of water.
A balloon that much of air.
A horse can only pull that much of load.
A Cup will overflow.
A balloon will burst
A horse may die of exhaustion.
You have your hands full.
Too many worries cloud your vision.
the path is unclear.
Meditate and clear mind.
take time and decide which is more important.
Which can be placed down.Note those with negative energies and too draining should be avoided. If inavoidable; you need to prioritize.
A fear of repression; rejection and mis-communications is always on your mind.
In thoth it is Saturn in Sagittarius
The willingness to communication is blocked by the seriousness of saturn.
Ohm Ah Ra Pha Tzar Na Di. Clearing your thoughts.