Monday, March 31, 2008

Basic facts on Tarot and Poker cards.

Morrot from SG club asked.....

it this the same as people using poker card to read fate??

My answer is

The Tarot is made up to 78 cards.22 cards are the major arcana.56 are the minor arcana.out of the minor arcana there are 14 cards in each suit.1-10 and king, queen, page and knightpoker cards are made up of 52 cards in 4 suits.1-10 and king, queen, jack.So based on this principle, you can still use the poker cards to do readings, but i prefer using Tarot as you can have fuller meanings made as the poker cards is considered only the minor arcana....In addition, ppl may say there are angel oracle cards. I personally do not like angel cards as they are too positively skrewed and are only good as affirmation bad meanings or negative cards in most of them....Hope this answers your questions.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


This is a double cross spread. It is useful for 2 person's to know how one appears to the other person.
I have done this spread with soupdude to find out what type of relationship we think of each other.
The lay of the cards is as follows: the one on the left is done by me and the one on the right is done by soupdude.
1st card is the Hierophant and 4 of cups;
2nd card is eight of swords and king of wands;
3rd card is 4 for swords and ace of wands;
4th card is the queen of cups and empress;
5th card is the ace of wands and death.

The use of the deck is get the following insight between the relationship of 2 ppl.
It is good to know how the other party is feeling and is good if the question is straight forward with a party in mind of focus when the question is asked.

1st card represents the person asking the question his position at this moment in time. In my case, i may feel i am a teacher to soupdude and for his case he sees opportunity for growth and understanding.
2nd card respresents the other party or the target of the question their feelings towards the querant at this point in time. To me i feel soupdude is a bit restricted with the view on the friendship and he has his reversations. To him, he feels that i am a good friend and opens out to him.

3rd card represents what the querant wants out of the relationship. it is 4 of swords for me, which means i may want to reflect on how to better guide him in tarot and such. for soup dude it is the ace of wands which means a new beginning for him.

4th card respresents what the target wants out of the relationship. both the cards here are queens or female in their own rite. so i feel that soupdude wants to develop better relationship. same goes for me....

5th card represents the outcome..... It seems that there is an ending and a change for our relationship.....
The most key card in a combined spread is to look for cards which is the ace of wands which means a good start in the relationship.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tarot tips by Ruth Ann Amerstone & Wald Amberstone.

I was looking at books in Kino Kuniya and came across this book which caught my eye. I had a read at it and it was quite refreshing. In this book there are tips on how to conduct the reading and stuff. It was not all the textbook material but is just straight answers without any corners or the authorors being dodgy.....
My favourite tip is the following..
Tip #72. bad news
"One of your goals as a reader should be, as much as possible, to leave a querant feeling better at the end of their reading than when they started. Does this mean you should never give bad news?
No , but you should be very careful how you discuss diffcult issues and challenges with your client. Chances are, if your are going through a tough time or someone close to them is very ill, for example, telling them this will not come as a surprise. the best thing to do, however, is not to dwell on the trouble but to discover things that the querent can actually do about their situation.
One of the best ways to achieve this is to end the readings sessions with an action card. This card will suggest a concrete action that the querent can take that will help their situation. it may involves others or it may simply be a way that they can nuture themselves until their difficulty ends. not every situation can be changed, but somethimes just having something constructive to do in the meantime can be a great anxiety reliever....."
I had a client who requested for me to do a reading for him. Prior to us starting the reading, he told me there were several things which were bothering him but he only wanted 1 reading only so he asked me to help him phrase his question before we started.
Through my own methods and by asking him to shuffle the deck, i knew he was worried about his family. I asked him whether it was true and he replied yes. Then i proceeded to ask him to phrase his thoughts and ideas on his family and the current matter at hand.
He concentrated and the spread which i used was the golden dawn 15 card spread. From the spread i told him that he was divorced and he was awaiting a trial on his children's custotary. He was surprised and asked how i knew. I showed him the cards which represented the trial and a change in the relationship. In addition i picked up in the spread that he may lose in the trial. I broke that news to him...... it was "bad news..."
In this instance, i remembered tip 72 and then i requested to take an additional card which is 7 of wands. I gave him advice to be strong and integrity. At this moment keep his faith and be careful of people trying to attack him.....
3 months later, he wrote and email to me saying he won his trial and was thankful for my reading......
well i guess the book really helped me there....
attached are the writer's details.
Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone-founders of the Tarot School and Readers Studio-combine two lifetimes worth of experience in their book Tarot Tips. What started out in 1998 as a free email Newsletter has snowballed into one of the major newsletters of its kind, answering queries from readers around the world. Mirroring the 78 cards found in a Tarot deck, the authors provide 78 practical tips in an engaging question and answer format.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Tarot in comics. There are several comics which feature tarot cards out there in the market. However, my all time favorite is Alan moore's Promethea.

Promethea is a young girl whose father is killed by a Christian mob in Alexandria in AD 411. She is taken in hand by the twin gods Thoth and Hermes who tell her that if she goes with them into the Immateria, a plane of existence home to the imagination, she will no longer be just a little girl but a story living eternally. "Promethea" then is manifested in a series of avatars over the 19th and 20th centuries, culminating in the involvement of the lead character, Sophie Bangs.
People become incarnations of Promethea when they or someone close to them channels their identity into an artistic representation of Promethea. During the Crusades,Promethea had two avatars who fought each other. After this, the original Promethea spirit "forgot" and ruled that at any one time, only one human can carry the consciousness of Promethea. All of Promethea's avatars live on forever in the Immateria, retaining their memories and contributing to the consciousness of the active Promethea. (taken from wikipedia)

What i like about the series is that Alan moore shows a lot of work in the symbolic meanings of the cards in the tarot. He also touches a lot on the tree of life as well as how to incorporate the tree of life into the tarot reading.

In compliation, in the book 2 compliation of the series he writes on the 22 cards of the major arcana. He is very very much influenced by Crowley's deck and his attribution is based on the crowley's attribution. where lust is in the 11th position and art is in the position of 8.
Very very good read for those into Tarot and kaballah.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Holistic Festival.

For last weekend, it was a lot of work for me. I had exhibited at the Holistic living festival for 2 days from 22.03.08 to 23.03.08. Well it was an extremely nice experience for me. I managed to meet a lot of people. I met some of my old friends and a lot of people came for tarot reading from me. I also did a few astrology charts and bazi at the event. Special thanks to the following people who helped me at the event. Sharon for spending the entire first afternoon with me and Spade for helping me pack up and bring my stuff home.

This is my booth with my tarot deck for display. looking very very serious.
This is Sharon who spent the entire afternoon on the 23.03.08 with me and answering phone calls on my behalf too....
This is Michelle Ayn Tesensohn, a great Shiatsu Healer and a very very attractive lady. My neighbour exhibitor. We did an exchange. I did a tarot reading for her and she did some shiatsu healing for me. Very very good. She is with Awken and is a faciliator for Sanctum..... her website is

Lastly, this is Stephanie, my last customer for the day. She is very nice and was the last person i done tarot reading and astrology for the day. A very Leo and fun loving person.
All in all the holistic festival is a very good platform for me to be seen in and for me to know people. Perhaps i would exhibit again on October 10-11 this year again,

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dragon Tarot a review

On 20th March 2008, I was given this Tarot deck by Spade from SG club as a birthday present.

The deck's theme is on Dragons. They are superbly drawn. It looks medival and have a sense of moderness in it. The suits are coins, wands, swords and cups. There are suitable attributions and with the elements in each card. some of the cards are very evident to be drawn in the similar lines of the rider waite.

The above are the cards which i like the top left is 2 of pentacles, the centre is 3 of swords and

the one on the right is the 8 of pentacles. all 3 cards show strong aspects of the Rider Waite.

The 3 of swords have the 3 swords into 1 heart aspect. the 2 of pentacles have 2 dragons balancing 2 pentacles.....

the 8 of swords has the dragon bounded and trapped in the 8 swords same as the rider waite's 8 of swords....

The bottom 3 cards are the hierophant, the lovers and the tower. All three cards have very strong symbolic. especially the lovers. Instead of 2 persons, 2 dragons are used and there is a symbol of the yin and yang above which is very nice.

The cards shown here are the chariot and on the right is the 7 of cups. the chariot has the attribution of cancer and the astrological sign cancer is shown on the card. The 7 of cups is good coz it shows the dragon surrounded by 7 choices...... not the same as the rider waite.

The magician is a bit different in the sense that all 4 implements are at his side. the 2 of swords is a bit different as the dragon is not bounded and do not seem too troubled.....

The 7 of wands shows courage in face of danger. the death is nice too.

The aces and the court cards have very nice dragons done.
Overall it is a nice deck a bit difficult to use for beginners though.
Thank you once again spade for the present.... i will treasure it,

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tarot Suits and their origins

Tarot Suits refers to the 4 different minor arcana cards of the Tarot. The wands, the cups, the swords and the pentacles. In the poker cards which we are commonly used in casinos, the 4 suits are Clubs (wands), Hearts (cups), Spades (swords) and Diamond (pentacles). There are several origins from which the minor arcana's symbols stem roots from. I will only discuss the ones which are common. This is from the Arthurian legends (grail) and the Celtic myths.

The wands, Symbols of fire. A torch lit, the art of creativity, passions, when god in genesis started. the first word was "Let there be light! and there was light." Since ancient times, the torch or fire has brought forward life and improved the human condition.

In the Grail myths, the Wand refers to the "holy lance" of Longinus, the roman soldier who said to have pierced Christ's side as He hung from the cross.

In the Celtic myths, it refers to the spear of Lug. Lug was a supremely versatile god known to all as the "many skilled". Legend goes that when he arrived in the celtic lands wishing to join the Tuatha de Danaan, he was questioned by the guard to state his craft. Lug Stated that he was a carpenter. but was countered as the Tuatha De Dannan had a carpenter already. He then added that he was a smith. Be was retorted that they had a smith too. Lug then stated that he was not only a carpenter, and a smith, but also a warrior, harpist, historian, poet, sorcerer, hero and a great many occupations. Each post he mentioned was filled. In the end Lug asked. "Is there anyone of the great assembly who possesses all the vocations mentioned?" the guard said no and he was triumphantly admitted to join the Tuatha De Danann.

Cups, bearer of life, water. with water there is emotions. Patience and compassions are key.
In the Grail legends, Cups refers to the Holy Grail the cup used by Jesus at the last supper.
In the Celtic Myths, the cup refers to the cauldron of Dagda, the all father. It could never be emptied and no one is left with his hunger unsatisfied. The Dagda was known as the nourisher of all his people and his inexhaustible cauldron was even able to bring the dead back to life.

Swords, logic, untempered justice. swiftness of actions without compassion. sharp and bright.
Air the element which seeks out the inescapable truths which could not hide.
In the grail legend it is King David's sword of spirit refered to in the old testament. It also is Excalibur of King Aruthur.
In celtic Legends it is the sword of Nuada, king of the tuatha. It is so powerful that it could smythe any enemy once it is drawn. No weapon could stand against it.

Pentacle. Material wealth. Physical body, empowerment of great strength.
Earth the element where all plants grow from.....
In the grail legends it is the plate which the last supper was eaten.
In the celtic legend it refers to the fal stone. this stone was said to cry out loud when sat upon by the rightful king of ireland.
To conclude Both celtic myths and grail legends embody the same powers and symbolism of Tarot suits in their own stories. To the users of tarot it is a guide and it adds flavour when you do a reading for your querants to tell stories..... in a way the reader of tarot is a story teller as well as a diviner.... and all people no matter great or small needs little stories to fill their mudane lives.....
Happy reading and sharing.

Tarot Cross Spread

This is a cross spread which i commonly use it for relationships. It is a simple spread of 5 cards.

The lay of the cards is as follows:
1st card is the 4 of pentacles;
2nd card is queen of cups;
3rd card is ace of pentacles;
4th card is the 2 of pentacles;
5th card is the 8 of swords.
The use of the deck is get the following insight between the relationship of 2 ppl. It is good to know how the other party is feeling and is good if the question is straight forward with a party in mind of focus when the question is asked.
1st card represents the person asking the question his position at this moment in time. If it is a 4 of pentacles, it would mean he is busy with work and neglecting the relationship or he is not giving his all in the relationship.
2nd card respresents the other party or the target of the question their feelings towards the querant at this point in time. if it is the queen of cups, it would mean that the other party is very interested in the querant and wants the querant to develop the relationship.
3rd card represents what the querant wants out of the relationship. it is ace of pentacle.... it seems that there is material wealth being generated through the relationship.
4th card respresents what the target wants out of the relationship. It is the 2 of pentacles a matter of choice a change is what is the target's mind in this. wants the querant to balance work and relationship.
5th card represents the outcome..... 8 of swords it seems that the target is helpless to change the querants' work attitude and both parties need to work together.
Well this is the cross spread.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Three persons and their views of tarot.

This is a combined spread done by 3 people. the 5 cards on the left is by me, the 5 cards in the middle is by Wen and the last 5 cards are for Kendrick. We all focused and asked the question what are our views on tarot. It was an experimental spread.
My cards are 1) 9 of swords, 2) queen of cups 3) the Magician 4) the devil 5) Judgement.
Wen's cards are 1) king of swords 2) the lovers (reversal) 3) 9 of swords (reversal) 4) 3 of wands (reversal) 5) 5 of wands
Kendricks's cards are 1) knight of cups 2) the temperence 3) knight of pentacles 4) 3 of pentacles 5) the emperor.
This is what the cards tell me.
My cards are 1) 9 of swords,worries. I feel that the tarot is about helping people with worries and problems to give hope or insight to those who seek it.
2) queen of cups, attribution, scopio a bit of intuitive process for me that the cards come to me intuitively.
3) the Magician, certain strenght in the occult is needed to do tarot reading and you need to be like the magician to be in control to use it.
4) the devil, there are laws and rules to bind tarot. it is not a game and should not be taken lightly, this card to me serves as a warning.
5) Judgement. On the whole tarot is to give judgement and opinion on a matter which is divine.....
To me Tarot is an intuitive art which requires skill, talent and rules to use in order to give judgement on a matter.
Wen's cards are
1) king of swords. master of communication, master of technicality attributed to Gemini knowledge and facts are key here.
2) the lovers (reversal)communication and not being personal are key words here to say what the cards tell and to do a reading as objective as possible
3) 9 of swords (reversal) worries or problems solver to help others
4) 3 of wands (reversal) instead of awaiting for answers, the seeker can look for insight and answers to the questions.
5) 5 of wands conflicts give rise to all which seek the tarot in conflict or in turmoil do one turns to tarot.
I feel wen's view on the tarot is as follows it is a technical thing. one to solve problems to those who seek and one in which the tarot reader must be as objective as possible.
LastlyKendricks's cards are
1) knight of cups new ideas friends to be made good to break the ice between people
2) the temperence actions and thoughts are one. What is in the mind is shown in the cards. what cannot be seen or articulated in speech is now made real
3) knight of pentacles to have achievement or be given physical being
4) 3 of pentacles to gain achievement and be appreciated by others.
5) the emperor. to be in control and to gain mastery over others. to be given great responsibility.
I feel Kendrick feels that tarot is new to him. it gives him a lot of insight and power. it lets him break the ice with new friends and have more topios to talk to with others. In his blog he wrote with great power comes great responsibility. In i certain sense i agree with him. Tarot cards are a very good tool.With great power responsibility comes as well. Stan lee...
All three are all my views on this particular reading and gives a clear sight of how we three approach the use and learning of tarot... looking at Wen's and Kendrick's readings, i draw strength and reminders of the truth of tarot seen as a diamond through other's eyes.

Tree of Life spread.

This is a Tree of Life Spread.

The lay of the cards i start from the bottom.

1) six of swords

2) 7 of swords

3) 3 of cups

4) 9 of wands

5) 10 of wands

6) reversed king of cups

7) ace of swords

8) king of wands

9) reversed King of Swords

10) empress

This card spread can be used for the following purposes,
1)to get a clear view of a person's character
2) to get a clear view of the situation a person is in and the outcomes
3) to get a clear view of the person' s choices.

I will explain how to use this spread for the purpose of no 2)

Points of note. I do not do reversal. When this current spread was cast, another reader was there to do the explanation. The other reader did request for my view on this spread. What i post here in the explanation part is only what the cards told me and how i view the spread.
How i use the spread is also indicated.

Card 1 in this spread lays the background to this question. what is the current situation the querant is in. it is like a stage for us to start. For instance this spread shown is used for the question about a person's love life. The 6 of swords in this instance is saying that she is looking to find the right man and is actively seeking to cross the river or to change from singlehood to being attached......

Card 2 in this spread is the motivation for the person or lays the foundation to the spread. it is the reason for the querant to ask this question in the 1st place. It is the seven of swords.... to me it means that she has tried in the past to approach the relationship issue. However, they fail as her concept or ideals in the relationship was incorrect.

Card 3 in this spread refers to the barriers or hinderances which a person will face in view of this matter. 3 of cups to me is that the person wants an ideal relationship and sees that every relationship should be perfect. hence she will not proceed with any relationships at all.

Card 4 in this spreads gives warning to how the person should approach the situation or what are the issues to look out for. 9 of wands refers to great strength or great strength has been used. In this card shows that the querant has been through much and is tired of relationships.

Card 5 in this spread refers to the hopes and fears of the querant. 10 of wands refers to overpowering strength. In this position it means that the person do not want to feel overpowered or oppressed in the relationship and fears about it.... to me it also relates that her past experiences in relationships is no good.... futher point to relate is that this card also stems from card 4 which is of the same suit and is one more to the 1st card giving me more such expressions.

Card 6 in this spread refers to conflicts, the negative aspects of the questions or how others view the person in a direct confrontation with regards to the question. Reversed king of cups refers to a person or a relationship which betrayed the querant's trust and have caused hurt to the person. so in this sense is that the quarant was hurt and has fear to proceed with a new relationship.

Card 7 in this spread refers to emotions or with how inwardly a person feels about this question. in the spread the card ace of swords appears. To me the person really wants a good beginning and is sincere in trying to find or start a new relationship. However it is in the spread of sword. to me it feels that yes there are opportunities for her to start. But it feels a bit wrong as the sword is more like logic or pressure is there.....

Card 8 in this spread refers to how others view the querant in relations to the question. king of wands refers to a friendly outgoing person who wants to be in charge of the situation and is very aries in nature. in addition it could also mean that such a person would be good for the querant.

Card 9 refers to how the person view him or herself in relations to this question. reversed King of Swords refers to a negative stress on herself with relations to how she deals with things. she takes things very very personally and is not objective. hence in relationships she would be very emotional and be hurt......

Card 10 refers to the final outcome. Empress is a good card. it refers to the blossoming of good new relationships through love..... it is attributed to venus and also a symbol or reaping good returns for efforts put in..... So my final advice to the lady is for the person to go on ahead..... to start new relationships.

My conclusion to the entire reading is such. firstly the lady is looking for a new relationship. she needs to change her concepts on relationships and also overcome her fear of starting new ones. she needs more confidence in herself and to act with more poise and go from then onwards.

Thats all i wanna talk on the tree of life spread from today.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tarot reading in the dark at the BBQ outing at East Coast Park on 15 of March 2008

On Saturday nite, We had a BBQ at East Coast Park with friends from the SGclub.

I did a few readings for several of the club members,

Xiao ekin,

Xiao Jace



and a few others whom i could not remember.

It was fun....

It also showed that bringing a black table cloth around is worth the trouble....

Firstly it looks better on the table.

Secondly the cards are clearly shown.

Thirdly it looks more pro.....

Tarot and outing on 15 and 16 of march.

It was a smaller turn out then i expected....
Tears daniel overslept.
Sakura Kristy and Rin Aii had to go for the Cosplay event.
Sboi Shawn is doing his projects....

But we had a few very good people. First there was Weiwen, who is a fellow tarot reader and he is good. Then there is Soupdude, Ken who has been inspired to do tarot readings. Jason, Yunise, Adeline and Alicia make up our troubled friends who wanted advice.......

Just the Group photos to start.....

Eunice is concerned for her friend's relationship issues and looks on with concern in her eyes....

Eunice looks on while.

Alicia is thinking very hard on her question.

Soupdude and i both with a card for the day....

He got the ace of wand.... a new opportunity and ideas and growth....

Wei Wen, Jason and Adeline. Weiwen is quite a good reader....
today he did many readings too, he is very good...
He gave me many insights to the Tarot which i did not have.
Thank you very much Wen....
Adeline just joined for the outing today....
Very shy, soft spoken gal....

Then there is Jason troubled with work and his future too..

Adeline and Jason listening to Wen on explanations on Tarot.

I got to take a photo to alicia for giving her some advice on relationships....
Oh lucky me hey....

Friday, March 14, 2008

Anime which has and uses Tarot : visions of Escaflowne

Having said much about tarot and about astrology, i would like to introduce an anime which i have liked alot. It is the vision of escaflowne.

The series focuses on the heroine, Hitomi Kanzaki, and her adventures after she is transported to the world of Gaea, a mysterious planet where she can see Earth and its moon in the sky. On Gaea, Earth is known as the Mystic Moon or "Phantom Moon" (幻の月, Maboroshii no tsuki?). Hitomi's latent psychic powers are enhanced on Gaea and she quickly becomes embroiled in the conflicts between the Zaibach Empire and the several peaceful countries that surround it. The conflicts are brought about by the Zaibach Empire's quest to revive the legendary power from the ancient city of Atlantis. As the series progresses, many of the characters' pasts and motivations, as well as the history of Atlantis and the true nature of the planet Gaea, are revealed.

In the series, the main charactrer Hitomi displayed her tarot reading skills and at the start of each episode there is a tarot card being flashed. this tarot card would set the feel of the show.

For instance in episod 11,

11 Prophecy of Death Tarot: Il Diavolo or the devil.

Suspicion of treachery falls on Hitomi and the rest of the party, and chameleon-like Zaibach operator Zongi (disguised as a Freid Praktu high priest) is sent to pry open her mind. During the ordeal, Hitomi reveals her origins from the Mystic Moon, but visions of Zongi's own past intervenes -- as well as a prophesy of death that sends Hitomi into a deathlike trance ....

The devil in this episode is the zongi chameleon like shapeshifter.....

For more information please go to.

Hope you enjoy this nice anime as i do....

Which Tarot Card are you?

Well i came across this Website.....

All the results are major acrana cards... which are live path cards....

You are The Magician
Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.
Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing, you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.
The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

八字命理:Differences in positive and negative of the heavenly stems.

shuangyurenfrom SG club asked the following question. Each zodiac represents a element n their positive/negative ...but 1 qns ....positive n negative ....wats the diff .?

The answer to your question is as such. In the horoscope, each of the 4 elements have 3 different houses. Although each of the horoscope display similar characteristics, their intensity is different. A pisces is different from a cancer. But both are of water elements.
In the 10 different heavenly stems, there is positive and negative in each element. which represents the different degrees in which they are into that element. 甲 wood is positive wood. it represents that a person is foreright straight unbending, which is fixed like a tree.
Whereas 乙 wood is the negative and is like a grass which bends to the wind. It is more yielding or mutable as compared to the fixed of the positive elements.
The positive elements are normally more intensed.
the negative elements are not as strong....



八字命理 uses the day as the focus point whereas in Astrology the Sun Sign or Zodiac is the focus.

In 八字命理 there are 5 elements both ying and yang and a total 10 different aspects.

In the Zodiac there are 12 signs.

There are similarities in both 八字命理 elements and the zodiac signs.

Such as a positve earth person would have similar characterstics as an Taurus.

However, for both Astrology and 八字命理 there are more factors than the Sun Sign and the day of birth.

For Astrology, there is the Moon sign, the Ascendant and the positions of the other planets and the cusps.

For 八字命理 there is the 5 yearly fortunes, the 10 star signs and the influences of the month and the year.For those who want to know more. you can email to me at

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

personal decks and the good and evil of decks.

A forum member from SG club "ripplevox" requested this question.

"Let's say you already own a deck and you purchase another. but isn't it recommended that you stay with your first deck? i recall reading something about having bonded with the cards and the cards taking on your essence or something.
can you clarify?
also, is there such things as 'bad' tarot decks. as in the essence of it isn't very 'good' or might even be dangerous?"

Well ripplevox, it is advisable to have 1 deck which you use most often and is very personal which could be the 1st deck which you use. It could be the 1st deck which you practice with as this deck would be with you the longest and you develop a bond or feeling with it as the cards become more familar to you. They do not take in your energy. but as you grow accustomed to their PICTURES and symbols, it will be easier for us to read from them. It is like language. As a baby you know no language. As you grow up in let say a chinese family who speaks mandarin and hokkien or teochew, you grow accustomed to the language and it is a part of you. So the symbols of the pictures do not take in your energy. It is rather that you take in the pictures and symbols of the cards. You grow with the cards and not the cards grow with you.

The fastest way to grow is to take 1 tarot card a day. look of the meanings and see if anything happens on the day in relation to the cards.

However, you could use other tarot decks for other people. In my course of service and assisting people with their problems. Some of the decks do not appeal to them as much as others. Hence i have several decks which i use. In addition to my personal fav decks.....

There are some decks which are not as close or the symbols do not tell anything of it. such decks are not good for reading. one of the decks is the Erotic manara deck, or the gay tarot which i do not personally like to use for tarot. But there are no evil decks. Like i mentioned. Tarot is a tool like a pen. there is no good or evil. the good or evil is in the hands which uses the tool.

Of course you can use Poker cards to read too.

Hope this answers your question.

My avatar meaning.

This is my avatar and my symbol and what i want to convey to people about.
First you will find the Caduceus which is the symbol of both the intellect and communication. it is also the staff of Hermes and Thoth. its attribution is mecury and brings knowledge and insight to people.
In using this pagan symbol and by linking to thoth and hermes, i am representing this as a part of the western tradition of Tarot and Astrology. As this is my forte and strength, it is in the centre.

Second on the other circle are the 12 earthly stems of the chinese 4 pillars of destiny. 八字. they represent the 12 months of the year, the 12 zodiac signs, the 12 hours of the chinese time and also have great power.
Thirdly, the power of circles. the symbology in having 2 circles, 1 inner and 1 outer in the combination of these 2 arts 八字 and Tarot. a meeting of minds of the east and the west to assist to help others.
This is the reason for the design of this Logo. I hope with this powerful symbol, i could assist and aid others on this plane of existance.

Tarot Spread for Yes and no questions.

TAROT SPREAD (the H Spread)

I came up with this spread when I was think of how to have further insight to the normal yes or no spread.

The normal yes or no spread would have the following.

(2) Yes card (3) No card

(1) Base of the question.

It is a simple card spread for 3 cards as follows which do not have any developments.

Normally this card spread from the first card you would draw the strength of why the person is asking the question, some insight to what the situation currently is and the type of mental state the querant is in.

The second card refers to choice 1 and the third card refers to choice 2.

For example.
If the first card is 2 of wands, the second card is 10 of pentacles and the third card is 5 of pentacles, and the question is whether I should choose to work in a MNC bank as compared to that of a local financial company. The answer is very obvious. well I leave it to you the reader to come up with your own answers at this point.

Coming to the H card spread, it is as follows. Looks lik a H.

Choice A Choice B

Card 1 Card 2

Card 3 card 9 Card 4

Card 5 card 6

Card 7 card 8

The Left columm is choice A and the right columm is choice B and the centre card is a general feel of the question. The 4 cards on each side can refer to 4 seasons for 1 year period. It could also the flow of how the cards would move. I find this spread to be very very useful…..
Try it out and see for yourself.