This is a combined spread done by 3 people. the 5 cards on the left is by me, the 5 cards in the middle is by Wen and the last 5 cards are for Kendrick. We all focused and asked the question what are our views on tarot. It was an experimental spread.
My cards are 1) 9 of swords, 2) queen of cups 3) the Magician 4) the devil 5) Judgement.
Wen's cards are 1) king of swords 2) the lovers (reversal) 3) 9 of swords (reversal) 4) 3 of wands (reversal) 5) 5 of wands
Kendricks's cards are 1) knight of cups 2) the temperence 3) knight of pentacles 4) 3 of pentacles 5) the emperor.
This is what the cards tell me.
My cards are 1) 9 of swords,worries. I feel that the tarot is about helping people with worries and problems to give hope or insight to those who seek it.
2) queen of cups, attribution, scopio a bit of intuitive process for me that the cards come to me intuitively.
3) the Magician, certain strenght in the occult is needed to do tarot reading and you need to be like the magician to be in control to use it.
4) the devil, there are laws and rules to bind tarot. it is not a game and should not be taken lightly, this card to me serves as a warning.
5) Judgement. On the whole tarot is to give judgement and opinion on a matter which is divine.....
To me Tarot is an intuitive art which requires skill, talent and rules to use in order to give judgement on a matter.
Wen's cards are
1) king of swords. master of communication, master of technicality attributed to Gemini knowledge and facts are key here.
2) the lovers (reversal)communication and not being personal are key words here to say what the cards tell and to do a reading as objective as possible
3) 9 of swords (reversal) worries or problems solver to help others
4) 3 of wands (reversal) instead of awaiting for answers, the seeker can look for insight and answers to the questions.
4) 3 of wands (reversal) instead of awaiting for answers, the seeker can look for insight and answers to the questions.
5) 5 of wands conflicts give rise to all which seek the tarot in conflict or in turmoil do one turns to tarot.
I feel wen's view on the tarot is as follows it is a technical thing. one to solve problems to those who seek and one in which the tarot reader must be as objective as possible.
LastlyKendricks's cards are
1) knight of cups new ideas friends to be made good to break the ice between people
2) the temperence actions and thoughts are one. What is in the mind is shown in the cards. what cannot be seen or articulated in speech is now made real
3) knight of pentacles to have achievement or be given physical being
4) 3 of pentacles to gain achievement and be appreciated by others.
5) the emperor. to be in control and to gain mastery over others. to be given great responsibility.
I feel Kendrick feels that tarot is new to him. it gives him a lot of insight and power. it lets him break the ice with new friends and have more topios to talk to with others. In his blog he wrote with great power comes great responsibility. In i certain sense i agree with him. Tarot cards are a very good tool.With great power responsibility comes as well. Stan lee...
All three are all my views on this particular reading and gives a clear sight of how we three approach the use and learning of tarot... looking at Wen's and Kendrick's readings, i draw strength and reminders of the truth of tarot seen as a diamond through other's eyes.
This is what the cards tell me.
My cards are
1) 9 of swords,worries. I feel that the tarot is about helping people with worries and problems to give hope or insight to those who seek it.
2) queen of cups, attribution, scopio a bit of intuitive process for me that the cards come to me intuitively.
3) the Magician, certain strenght in the occult is needed to do tarot reading and you need to be like the magician to be in control to use it.
4) the devil, there are laws and rules to bind tarot. it is not a game and should not be taken lightly, this card to me serves as a warning.
5) Judgement. On the whole tarot is to give judgement and opinion on a matter which is divine.....
To me Tarot is an intuitive art which requires skill, talent and rules to use in order to give judgement on a matter.
Wen's cards are
1) king of swords. master of communication, master of technicality attributed to Gemini knowledge and facts are key here.
2) the lovers (reversal)communication and not being personal are key words here to say what the cards tell and to do a reading as objective as possible
3) 9 of swords (reversal) worries or problems solver to help others
4) 3 of wands (reversal) instead of awaiting for answers, the seeker can look for insight and answers to the questions.
5) 5 of wands conflicts give rise to all which seek the tarot in conflict or in turmoil do one turns to tarot.
I feel wen's view on the tarot is as follows it is a technical thing. one to solve problems to those who seek and one in which the tarot reader must be as objective as possible.
Kendricks's cards are
1) knight of cups new ideas friends to be made good to break the ice between ppl
2) the temperence actions and thoughts are one. What is in the mind is shown in the cards. what cannot be seen or articulated in speech is now made real
3) knight of pentacles to have achievement or be given physical being
4) 3 of pentacles to gain achievement and be appreciated by others.
5) the emperor. to be in control and to gain mastery over others. to be given great responsibility.
I feel Kendrick feels that tarot is new to him. it gives him a lot of insight and power. it lets him break the ice with new friends and have more topios to talk to with others. In his blog he wrote with great power comes great responsibility. In i certain sense i agree with him. Tarot cards are a very good tool.
With great power responsibility comes as well. Stan lee...
I've also been looking at this three deck spread as it is something new and interesting, something I have not tried before.
I would like to suggest the intentions behind the positions in this layout.
The first card would represent the general view of the Tarot.
The second card would show how the querent reads the Tarot.
The third card would be how the querent sees his relationship with the Tarot.
The fourth card would be how the querent uses the Tarot.
The fifth card would be what the querent hopes to achieve with the Tarot.
Also, I'd like to add to what Shimure has written. Please don't take either one of our views as truth, they are alternatives intended to give additional insight.
Shimure's Cards:
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
My cards are 1) 9 of swords,worries. I feel that the tarot is about helping people with worries and problems to give hope or insight to those who seek it.
The card here represents connecting with subconscious and dreams. Shimure uses the tarot to connect people (or himself) with his subconscious.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
2) queen of cups, attribution, scopio a bit of intuitive process for me that the cards come to me intuitively.
The Queens to me, represent water and emotion. The suit of cups are also the suit of water and emotions. Having the Queen here suggest to me that Shimure uses the tarot intuitively, and he uses his feelings and intuition to interpret the cards.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
3) the Magician, certain strenght in the occult is needed to do tarot reading and you need to be like the magician to be in control to use it.
The Magician is one of my personal favorites. It represents a certain mastery and competence in the arts, and could possibly suggest this is how Shimure views himself in terms of the Tarot. He is grounded and practiced, able to use the tools available effectively.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
4) the devil, there are laws and rules to bind tarot. it is not a game and should not be taken lightly, this card to me serves as a warning.
The Devil, a major arcana, one that suggests power and control. With the Magician in the previous position, it suggests that Shimure is trying to help people gain control of their own lives.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
5) Judgement. On the whole tarot is to give judgement and opinion on a matter which is divine.....
I'm in agreement with Shimure on this one, Judgement is closure. Ultimately, the Tarot is a tool to bridge situations with conclusions. To resolve matters justly.
My cards:
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
1) king of swords. master of communication, master of technicality attributed to Gemini knowledge and facts are key here.
My feelings on the cards are about communication and knowledge. I use the tarot to gain insights and knowledge about things which I could not get the full picture on.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
2) the lovers (reversal)communication and not being personal are key words here to say what the cards tell and to do a reading as objective as possible
The lovers here also represent resolving current situations in order to move on. Only when conflicts or situations are resolved, can people progress to the next stage.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
3) 9 of swords (reversal) worries or problems solver to help others
The nine of swords here is reversed, suggesting a clarity of thought. I use the tarot only with a clear objective mind.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
4) 3 of wands (reversal) instead of awaiting for answers, the seeker can look for insight and answers to the questions.
Shimure's view on this is also spot on. I use the Tarot to find answers instead of awaiting them.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
5) 5 of wands conflicts give rise to all which seek the tarot in conflict or in turmoil do one turns to tarot.
The conflict here is internal. And part of my challenge has been balancing my own emotions and intuition, with wisdom and impartiality. Reading the tarot, I prefer to take a distanced view of the situation, and not let emotions and feelings cloud facts. However, insights are gained from emotion and they are a necessary part of the reading as well.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
I feel wen's view on the tarot is as follows it is a technical thing. one to solve problems to those who seek and one in which the tarot reader must be as objective as possible.
Again, Shimure's view on this is spot on.
Soup_Dude's cards
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
1) knight of cups new ideas friends to be made good to break the ice between people
The Knights represent action, so the Knight of Cups represent putting emotion into action. Soup reads by acting on intuition, by connecting with people.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
2) the temperence actions and thoughts are one. What is in the mind is shown in the cards. what cannot be seen or articulated in speech is now made real
Temperance is also a card for balance and teaching. Soup sees the tarot as a teaching tool, or maybe he is trying to teach himself things by reading for others.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
3) knight of pentacles to have achievement or be given physical being
Soup sees himself as a Knight of Pentacles with reference to the Tarot. He is "learning by doing".
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
4) 3 of pentacles to gain achievement and be appreciated by others.
The three of pentacles is a card that signifies building on things. Soup is at the stage where he is still learning about the tarot.
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
5) the emperor. to be in control and to gain mastery over others. to be given great responsibility.
Ultimately, Soup_dude's ideal is to gain mastery of the tarot through practice, experience and self-discipline.
I feel Kendrick feels that tarot is new to him. it gives him a lot of insight and power. it lets him break the ice with new friends and have more topios to talk to with others.[/quote]
Quote: Originally Posted by SHIMURE
All three are all my views on this particular reading and gives a clear sight of how we three approach the use and learning of tarot... looking at Wen's and Kendrick's readings, i draw strength and reminders of the truth of tarot seen as a diamond through other's eyes.
This reading has also given me a lot of insight, and has made me look at the Tarot from different views. I hope that the both of you have learnt as much as I have from this reading, and remember that Tarot is a journey for all of us.
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