Tuesday, April 1, 2008

TAURUS, the Bull April 21st through May 21st

How to Recognize TAURUS
"Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves."
A travel bug friend of mine, who has been everywhere at least twice, told me he will never forget his first trip to southern Spain on a tramp steamer. One day, while he was on deck admiring the view, a huge mass of solid rock loomed ahead in the distance, rising grandly out of the bright, blue Mediterranean. Someone on the ship shouted, "Look! The Rock of Gibraltar!" Awed and impressed, my friend snapped a picture of it for the folks back home, then turned to a bored teenager in the next deck chair, and waxed poetic. "Isn't it beautiful?" he asked. "Tons of water have beaten against it through the centuries, storms have lashed at it, armies have assaulted it, civilizations have come and gone, but it just sits there. Nothing ever changes it, and nothing can make it move." The teenager yawned. "Yeah. Reminds me of my old man."
His father was born in May. And that's how you recognize Taurus, the bull. The most fertile places to look for him would be a farm, a bank or a real estate office, but you'll also find him grazing in other pastures. There are Taurean engineers, movie stars, clerks, gardeners, kings and queens, chimney sweeps, butchers, bakers and candle-' stick makers. You can always tell the bull by his strong, silent attitude. Until you get to know him better, his lengthiest monologues will probably be "Yep," "Nope," "Thanks," "So long," and frequently "Uh-uh," a substitute for "Nope." If he had a strong Gemini, Aries or Sagit­tarius influence at birth, he may be a little gabbier and walk with more bounce. But the typical Taurean prefers to move deliberately and speak sparingly.
Like Gibraltar, he is solid and steady and nothing dis­turbs his tranquility. You can throw water on him or light a fire between his toes. You can beat on his chest with clenched fists, glare at him hypnotically or shout at the top of your lungs. Taurus won't budge an inch. Once his mind is set, he folds his arms calmly and digs in his heels. He sticks out his rather prominent chin, flares his nostrils, pins back his ears and you've had it.
The bull seldom rushes forward to stomp on your toes. He simply wants to be left alone. Don't disturb him and he'll remain contented. Press him and he becomes obstinate. Shove too hard, tease too much, and be prepared for violent rage. He can go for months and years on end. exhibiting perfect poise and control, inhaling the fragrance of the posies and ignoring the nervous clacking and cluck­ing all around him. Then some unexpected day, a pushy person will pile one straw too many on his broad back. He'll snort, begin to paw the earth, narrow his eyes-and charge. Get out of the way as fast as you can and run for your lifel The Taurean temper is seldom displayed impulsively, but when the bull gets mad, he can destroy everything in his path, up to and including Scorpios. Destroy is not the right word. Demolish is better. It may be some time before the dust settles and peace reigns again. Some Taureana have such control that they only charge once or twice in. a whole lifetime. Even the quick-tempered ones won't erupt more than once or twice a year, if that often. Still, it's best to remember that Taurus usually doesn't get just a little mad or annoyed. If the incident is large enough to rock his normally placid emotions, you can count on blind fury, no ordinary anger.
I know one Taurus male whose wife had never seen him angry during all the years of her marriage, until one night in a crowded supper club. An obnoxious drunk stumbled over to their table and made an off-color remark. She ex­pected her husband to handle the man firmly, with his usual self-control, and she was as shocked as the rest of the customers when the Taurean suddenly stood up, shoved over two tables, lifted the man in the air, and sent him flying to the other side of the room, nearly demolishing the bandstand. Not a word was exchanged. I trust this will make you properly cautious. Before even winking at a strange woman, it would be wise to know her escort's birth­day.
You can expect many May people to actually resemble a bull, the men that is, and the women born under the Sun sign will have an intangible, elusive bovine quality about them. The look in the female Taurean's eyes will be serene and limpid, yet steady. She will move gracefully, indolently, but with a suggestion of hidden strength. As for the males, the neck will often be thick or muscular, the shoulders, chest or back, or all three, broad and strong. The entire body will be well proportioned, whether short or tall. The ears are usually small and close to the head. When they eat, they chew slowly, and ordinarily have excellent digestions. You may notice a lock of hair (resembling the bull's forelock), or a curl that hangs in the center of the forehead. Not all, but many Taureans have curly or wavy hair. It's usually dark, like the eyes and skin. Even the occasional blonde, light-eyed and fair-skinned Taurus people will never suggest fragility of mind or character.
Naturally, you can't expect every Taurean to look like Ferdinand the bull or Elsie the cow. It's true that they frequently have large, generous bodies, ranging from muscular to plump to fat. But if you get that image too set in your mind, you won't recognize the skinny ones, and it's important to learn to spot them, too. What are you going to do when you turn on television and The Late, Late Show features Taureans Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire or Gary Cooper? Don't let it throw you. For all his Piscean lightness of foot, and his airy Gemini charm, Fred Astaire is an earthy Taurus. The other planetary influences in his chart can't change that. Just ask his friend, choreographer Hermes Pan, or anyone else close to the dancing legend. Ask them how tough it is to get this Twinkletoes to go somewhere he doesn't want to go or do something he doesn't want to do. Bing Crosby is also famous for his unruffled personality and his calm, easygoing manner. (That was probably one of Bing's sons on the tramp steamer.) As for Gary Cooper, take another look at the tall, lanky frame of that hero of the vintage cowboy shows. His solid feet seem to be growing right out of the ground as if they were rooted there. He moves across your television screen with slow deliberation, and the total number of complete sentences the actor speaks in those old westerns is roughly under a dozen. Actor? Following the venerable Hollywood system of type casting, Gary Cooper always superbly played Gary Cooper. And like many another Taurean you'll meet away from stage and camera, the Cooper love scenes feature a romantic girl, who cries, "I love you madly, passionately. I can't live without you. You're my whole life, darling. Tell me you care. Say you feel the same way. Do you love me? Do you?" What answer does the poor girl get for her torrent of sentiment? "Yep." (But it can be strangely comforting.)
Taurus is strongly attracted to the opposite sex, but ag­gressive pursuit of any kind of pleasure isn't in his bag of tricks. He prefers to attract people to him. Why should he waste his energy chasing them over the countryside? A short trip to a farm and some astute observation of the laws of nature will make it clear how the Taurean emotions are activated in both love and friendship. Passivity is the typical behavior. Taureans would rather entertain hospita­bly at home than go to the trouble of visiting. The effort required for scintillating popularity doesn't appeal to the bull's nature. If you want him, you can call him. He'll be there. Throw out the line of comradeship or romance, and hell pick it up, if it interests him. He'll know what ' to do with it, too, which isn't always true of the more gregarious signs.
Taurus seldom worries, frets or chews his nails. He can pout and brood when things don't suit his fancy, but he's not the nervous, twitchy type. It's his nature to be stoic, and take things in his stride, and nothing really alters this basic tendency.
I know a Taurean, who is both an attorney and a certified public accountant, a double career that would give anyone plenty to take in stride, especially at tax time. Now, this Taurus may bite his nails a little. All right, he bites them a lot. He talks faster than I do (which is pretty fast), and he does have a couple of worry creases in his forehead. But there's a heavy Gemini influence in his natal chart that causes the deceptive speed, and if you look behind the whirling action of his dynamic outer image, you'll still discover a Taurus. His brain may calculate like lightning, but his derisions are made slowly and carefully. His actions are predictable, his character is strong, and you can ask his wife just how much of a pushover he is when she tries to get him to dress up and go somewhere on the nights he'd rather stay home. You can also ask his clients who try to rush him into closing deals quickly. He'll listen patiently and pleasantly, but the papers don't get signed until the bull makes up his mind it's the right move. Oh, yes, he's a Taurus, never mind the Gemini wit and agility. Flighty action is not among his vices. He rushes slowly, and that's not a non sequitur.
Taurus people are home folks. There's scarcely a bull who doesn't love to luxuriate under his own roof and stretch out amid comfortable, familiar surroundings. Change upsets him (unless there's a Gemini, Sagittarius or Aquarius Moon or ascendant). If the Taurus you know doesn't own his own home, he's dreaming about it, and he will someday. He's close to the earth, and the love of the land will come to him eventually, one way or another. If he's forced to live in a crowded apartment building, hell probably have a window box full of geraniums or petunias. When the noisy clatter of the city threatens to press in too close, hell determinedly grab his fishing pole and head for a quiet, pastoral spot. Let the world spin at too dizzy a pace for him, and Taurus simply gets off for a spell until it slows down. If he has no fishing pole or window box outlet, he may dabble in real estate, and make arrange­ments for other people's mortgages, which gets him out to the suburbs occasionally. There's always a connection with the land, however remote, like hanging around the race track, or taking his Sunday stroll through the park and drinking in the sights and fragrances of nature.
The average bull is superbly healthy, with a strong con­stitution. It takes a lot to put him on his back, but once he's down, he may recuperate slowly, partially due to his stubborn refusal to obey the doctor. His natural inclinar tion to distrust optimism doesn't promote speedy recovery, either. The sensitive areas for accident and infection are the throat, neck, legs, ankles, reproductive organs, the back and the spinal area. Colds often turn into sore throats, and overweight brought on by the legendary Taurean love of food and drink, mostly food, can put a strain on the heart, and plague the bull with poor circulation, weak ankles, varicose veins and other chronic complaints. Gout is another possibility. Most May people, however, can easily stay healthier than the rest of us if they avoid obesity, lethargy and kidney infections. Let's be blunt. If the butt drinks to excess or gets fat and lazy, he'll lose his splendid physique and his robust good health. One of the main causes for his illnesses is a lack of country air and exercise. His system always needs it, even though his obstinate will may deny it.
Speaking of obstinacy, there's no use telling a Taurean He (or she) is obstinate. In the bull's mind, he's not stub­born at all. He's patient. It's a matter of semantics. He's not hardheaded-he's just sensible and firm. For the life of him, he can't see why people judge him so unfairly.
The truth is that Taurus is as stubborn as a human can be and not actually turn into solid stone. Taurean men and women seem to be glued to both their seats and their opinions. A Taurus husband will refuse to accompany his wife to a friend's house if there are no comfortable chairs there for him to sit in. She can plead in vain. He just won't go. A Taurus woman who doesn't approve of her hus­band's cronies simply will not talk to them. Still, the bulls can also claim the virtue of patience with justification. Many a Taurean bears emotional and physical burdens in silence for years without complaint. The higher the troubles pile up, the more strength Taurus finds to bear them. His loyalty and devotion to family and friends often surpass all understanding. Lots of Taurus men and women deserve gold medals for courage under blows of fate that would have long ago broken the back of those born under other Sun signs. Fine. I'll go along with awarding a blue ribbon in recognition of the Taurus fortitude. But he's still stubborn.
There's very little that turns his appetite faint. The bull can usually eat anything from fried peppers to chocolate whipped cream cake, sour pickles and turnips-all at the same meal-without a trace of indigestion. Steak and beef-are usually his favorites, and he loves to clean up the leftovers. If alcohol is added, the Taurean can closely. resemble King Henry VIII, happily gorging at a royal banquet. (Of course, a Virgo ascendant can keep him on raw carrots and lettuce, washed down with prune juice.)
The Taureans' funny bones are tickled by broad and slapstick comedy. Many of them fail to catch subtle satire, but they'll howl when someone slips on a banana peel or gets a custard pie in the face. Taurus humor is warm and earthy, playful and reminiscent of Falstaff. These people are seldom, if ever, really cruel or vindictive. It's a strange fact that cruel Taureans often have many planets in Aries at birth. The two signs don't seem to mix well in the same horoscopes. Hitler is a good example.
Now, about the subject of money-the bull and his money are seldom parted. Not every Taurean is a million­aire, but you won't find many of them standing in line for free soup. Taurus likes to build empires slowly and surely. He starts with a solid foundation, then gradually adds a story at a time, until he's built a stable business and a bank account with muscles. Oddly, Taurus likes to ac­cumulate power, along with cash, but simply for the sensual enjoyment of possessing it. They often turn over the action to subordinates. Just knowing the power is there along with the dollars seems to satisfy the Taurean need for security. Why should he be bothered with the effort of manipulating all the strings? There are Capricorns and Cancerians around to do that, while he snoozes, smells a daisy or eyes the pretty girls. It's enough that everybody knows who owns the pasture. Sooner or later, money will come to Taurus, and it usually sticks like glue when it does. The bull prizes his cash and his possessions as he does his family, but he's not stingy. The Taurean generous heart and pockets are wide open to real friends in real trouble.
He's impressed by bigness. The larger a building, the grander it is to him, and he'll walk right past the monkeys at the zoo to stare in fascination at the powerful elephants. Taurus will face huge animals with magnificent courage, but he fears a mouse. A tiger on the loose won't cause the bull to flicker an eyelash, while a tiny wasp can send him climbing up the nearest tree in nervous panic.
Fine paintings and great symphonies stir him deeply. Every Taurean owns some evidence of the Venus love for art and music, if it's only an old Caruso record, or a museum postcard of an early Van Gogh tucked under the sweat shirts he wears when he's out jogging on weekends. Many Taurus men and women have beautiful voices. Some of them sing professionally; others warble in the bath, soak in rich oils and dream of gilt-edged security. Music will always touch their lives in some way, and drawing or painting are often either hobbies or careers.
The sensuous bull is tranquilized by the color of the sky. Shades of blue bathe his emotions with peace; also rose and pink, in a lesser way, but never red, as any matador could tell you. The greens and browns of nature calm and soothe him too. Green paper money and a brownstone house will keep him perfectly contented.
Although Taurean ideas are always sensible, they can also sparkle with the clarity and depth of fifteen precious sapphires that add up to six kinds of good fortune, as he doubles his money under the benign smile of the gods. There's nothing small about Taurus, including his capacity for lasting love and his potential for wealth. Copper, the Taurean metal, is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and it glows with burnished beauty through years of use and wear. Let the excitable ones scurry and squabble for first place. The bull's fixed nature needs no flaming torches to light the way to the security he seeks. Eventually success will come to him, and he will be ready. Because the far-off Venus showers him with the love of luxury, he pays dearly for his possessions and treasures them for a lifetime; yet he's the sworn enemy of waste and extrav­agance. His home is his castle-and let no man disturb the peace of the bull. Taurus is as patient as time itself, as deep as the forest, with a dependable strength that can move mountains. But he's stubborn.
Famous Taurus Personalities
Fred Astaire Balzac
Lionel Barrymore Irving Berlin Johannes Brahms Catherine, the Great Perry Como Gary Cooper Oliver Cromwell Bing Crosby Salvador Dali Stephen A. Douglas Queen Elizabeth U Duke Ellington Ella Fitzgerald Henry Fonda Margot Fonteyn Sigmund Freud Ulysses S. Grant
William R. Hearst Audrey Hepburn Hitler
Henry J. Kaiser Willie Mays Yehudi Menuhin Vladimir Nabokov Robespierre Sugar Ray Robinson Bertrand Russell William Shakespeare Bishop Fulfon Sheen Toots Shor Kate Smith Barbra Streisand Norma Talmadge Shirley Temple Harry S. Truman Orson Welles
.Your Friendly Banker
"Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the housel"
". . . Only you'd better not come very close I generally hit everything I can see- when I get really excited."
Perhaps you picture the typical Taurus man as a quiet, practical soul, as sensible and down-to-earth as an old pair of shoes. It's true-he is. You may also observe that he's slow to move to action, deliberate and careful. True again. Therefore, you deduce, it's only logical to assume he's not very romantic. Positively false.
Where did you get the idea you can analyze the Taurean nature by using pure logic alone? Probably from some Libra fellow who's trying to make an impression on you. Well, he's wrong. Logic isn't very helpful when you're trying to solve the riddle of a strong, masculine symbol like the bull, who's ruled by a loving, peaceful planet like Venus. Send that Libra man with his clever mind back to the library.
The buU may take a long time deciding if he wants you for his woman. He's not going to execute a flashy swan dive into the pool of romance and discover on the way down that someone forgot to fill it with water. But once he's made up his mind that you're the one, and once he sets his mind on winning you, he'll make the Libra lover look like a fumbler. He'll even put the smitten lion and the passionate Scorpio to shame. That sensible, practical, slow, determined Taurus male is capable of sending you one pink rose each day until you surrender to his proposal-of marriage-or whatever. He can even write a poetic song or verse, and bashfully mail it to you without signing it, knowing you'll guess the sender. Taurus can be a tender, gentle and protective lover. His sensual nature will make him vulnerable to your exotic perfume, the smoothness of your skin and softness of your hair. He may not say so in flowery language to your face, but he will find a way to con­vey the message. The Taurus sense of touch is a tangible thing.
This negative, fixed earth sign is full of contradictions in love. A Taurean will like to see you dress in luxurious furs and rich colors. He may buy you a fragrant bunch of fresh, spring violets for your furs from the little old lady on the corner, and leave a large tip in her basket be­cause she reminds him of his mother. (You, however, will definitely not remind him of either his mother or his sister -except when it comes to protecting you from the rude glances of other bulls who try to move in.) Music will stir his emotions and put him in the mood for love. He's almost sure to have a favorite song that reminds him of you each time he hears it. It's the one he keeps playing on the juke box.
If you need more proof of the romance in his soul, the typical Taurus man will help you build your hope chest with birthday gifts of china and silver, and at Christmas he'll remind you of Santa himself when he comes calling, loaded down with mysterious packages and sentimental trinkets. He'll suggest moonlight swims, picnics in cool, secluded woods, and walks down country lanes under the stars. His will be the largest, fanciest, most eloquent Valen­tine the postman ever delivered on February 14th. When a Taurus man courts you, he courts you. He doesn't fool around. You'll probably be taken to dine in glamorous restaurants, with soft lights and violins, and he'll never forget the date you first met or any other intimate anni­versary between you. For the love of buttercups, how much romance do you need?
It's perfectly true that the bull isn't a wild dreamer like the Aquarian male. Taurus will never sweep you off your feet like a Leo, or promise to take you floating away to live with him in a fairy castle, drifting on pink clouds forever and a day, like an Aries. He's more likely to drop by on foot some Saturday night, with the architect's blue­prints for the house he plans to build for you, out of real lumber and with real cash. He'll probably make the down payment on the property, or at the very least, on the apart" ment lease, before you become engaged. This man means business. When the bull lifts you across his threshold and plants you firmly in his substantial home, which won't bear the faintest resemblance to a fairy castle, you can be sure the mortgage is secure at the bank. That's hardly something to complain about. You'll wonder why you ever wanted to be wrapped in those pink clouds, once you've been warmly and snugly enfolded in the soft Taurean blanket of security. You'll be too busy enjoying your new furniture and checking account (or the certainty that they're just around the corner) to weep for misty dreams that probably wouldn't have come true anyway. That is, if you're a female who appreciates solid value. Not every woman does, more's the pity. But sensible girls, from eighteen to eighty, value the peaceful, easygoing ways of the bull and his calm, stable nature. His sentimental gestures and pleasantly earthy wooing can be just as satisfying as the soulful, poetic sighs of more colorful lovers, or the dashing excitement of the flashier Don Juans, quite often even more so. Ask any woman who's been sensible enough to get herself good and loved by a strong Taurean. There are lots of contented cows and happy heifers around.
A Taurus man plans for tomorrow carefully. As the squirrel stores his nuts when they're plentiful in the sum­mer, to provide security for the cold, barren winter-the temporary pleasures of a bright afternoon will never distract Taurus from preparing for the days when the slush piles up at the curb. It's a funny thing, but the hus-^ bands who are financially able to take or send their wives to Florida in January are often born in May.
Naturally, there are drawbacks to a romantic escapade with a Taurus male-all is not peaches and perfection. For one thing, youll have to brush up on your ladylike behavior. No Taurus man is going to put up with a loud, masculine female who cracks a whip like an animal trainer. If you have any forceful opinions, don't shove them down his throat or brag about your brainpower in public. Privately, he respects a female with intelligence (though he places a higher premium on plain common sense), but you'd just better let him be the bright one of the team when you're out together dancing cheek to cheek-even if you're just sitting in a restaurant, knee to knee. Make like the emancipated woman in front of his friends and he'll have one of two reactions. If he's a primi­tive Taurean (and you'd be surprised how many of those there are), he's likely to give you a shove and a shaking, maybe even a good smack in the right place when you get
home-or worse, before you get home. If he's a more sophisticated type, he'll simply clam up on you in front of everyone and sit there like a large chunk of cold stone, re­fusing to speak a word the rest of the night, until you're so embarrassed you wish the floor would swallow you. Your friends will be most uncomfortable, too. It can really damp­en an evening, not to mention cramp your style.
Your first impulse will be to try to undo the damage, but trying to jolly him out of his stubborn mood before it's run its course is literally impossible. It's like trying to move the Rock of Gibraltar. As a matter of fact, if you attempt to tease him back into normal social behavior, you may wish you had just let him sulk. A hunk of cold stone is infinitely more acceptable than his reaction to your coax­ing after you've angered him. Push him too far and he'll turn from a silent sphinx into a bellowing bull, who may very well let loose some mighty earthy language, which will cause your cheeks to flame even pinker. Either that, or he'll say calmly to the group, "Excuse me for breaking up the party, but I have to drag this woman with the tent flap mouth home and teach her a few lessons." You'll hide from everyone you know for weeks afterwards. And all because, when he's holding the group spellbound with his summary of the political scene, you interrupt him with a remark like, "Oh> honey, don't be so naive. Everyone knows Utterbach takes bribes. With his record he couldn't get elected chairman of the Boy Scout cookie sale, let alone Congressman. You don't know what you're talking about," at which point he'll dig in those heels, fold his arms across that beefy chest, and begin to pout-or clobber you- whichever. If you see him reach for his coat, you might as well put on yours, too. A Taurus man will seldom leave his woman alone with the wolves, unprotected, no matter how angry she's made him. He'll take her along, by the hair, if necessary. So don't get any ideas of staying behind to get sympathy from the others. When he leaves, you leave. And I would strongly advise you to apologize before you get home. He won't. Running to Mama's arms won't do any good. You share his bed and board, as long as he pays the rent. Mother-in-law interference is about the last thing the typical bull will stand for. The first time you try that "running home to Mother" routine will probably be the last. After they once experience his fury, your parents wll prefer to keep the door locked and let you handle your own problems.
I know a Taurus man with an aggressive wife who found aunique solution. He simply refuses to go out with her in piblic. Her irresistible force met an immovable object- tm. She can go out and rob other men of their mas-cilinity all she wants, not Taurus, the bull. He's very fond o: his positive mate, and they have rather a nice team gong in many ways; they respect each other tremendously -but until she learns to submit, keep her mouth closed, aid let him be the man, she's forced to go to parties, roetings and the theater without an escort. This particular Tiurean has refused to accompany her ever since the time tby joined several other couples for dinner at a fancy pice. His wife grabbed the menu from him and ordered fa- the whole group. She made unflattering remarks about hi haircut and his tie during the first course, and supplied tb punch line to three of his jokes during the entree. IS)w she goes to social functions alone, while her Taurus nate refuses to budge from his castle. You can't really bkme the bull. He's just being true to his Sun sign. It's sfll a solid marriage, but you may not be so lucky. So An't tempt your Taurean by shoving him around.
He's extremely patient, but he won't wear a ring in his n'se. He doesn't necessarily want a clinging vine, either. H's too practical, and he likes his freedom too much to eijoy a female who sticks to him like rubber cement and cies at the drop of a hanky. He doesn't mind a woman wth some fire and spunk. It intrigues him and balances hs own steadier maturity. With a smile of detached amuse-nsnt, he'll watch her cheerfully scampering around in tpical feminine fashion, as one would watch a beloved, petty kitten playing with a brightly colored ball of yam. Jst so kitty knows when the bull gives a strong tug on tb yarn, it's time to stop the fun and games and listen to tb voice of her master. No one can be kinder, more gentle aid truly tolerant than a Taurus man, when his mas-clinity is secure. He'll do anything in the world for the w>man he loves except allow her to wear the pants. Tiurus may sometimes behave like a clumsy circus bear, aid his humor is often rough and ridiculous. But he will nThe TAURUS Woman
Without, the frost-the blinding snow, The storm-wind's moody madness- Within, the firelight's ruddy glow, And childhood's nest of gladness.
I remember a conversation I once had with a writer whose mother had been born in May. In discussing her parent's habits and character, the girl happened to mention that "Mother was a tall woman." "You must take after your father then," I remarked, since the girl herself was only of average height. She smiled. And I shall never forget what she said. "I didn't mean in inches. Mother was shorter than I am. That was just soul talk." The girl was a Pisces, the sign that looks deep inside you.
She was right. A Taurus female is a tall woman. Even if she measures under five feet, she can reach tall enough to meet almost any emergency life chooses to throw h? way. In many ways, the Taurean female is the salt olthe earth, a combination of most of the sterling qual-itis every male looks for and seldom finds. She may have a /iolent temper that would frighten a strong man into runing for the woods (or at least ducking under a table-dth), but she won't go on a raging rampage without god provocation. Ordinarily, if you don't torment her b^ond human endurance, or if Fate doesn't hand her a reJIy rough bunch of cards, she'll play the game of life ff'rly, with cool, admirable calm. Her candor and 'bsic honesty are undiluted with normal feminine tricks ay tears. The Taurean girl has more moral and emotional corage than many a tough male, but she has enough con-fiThe TAURUS Child
"It'll be no use putting their heads down and saying, 'Come up again, dear!' . . . // / tike being that person, fll come up:
If not, I'll stay down here. ..."
It may begin to be evident that your newborn baby is a Taurean when you try to dress him to take him home from the hospital. "Put your little arms inside your nice sweater Grandma knit for you," you'll murmur in tender, maternal tones. "Why are you clenching your little fists and holding your arms so stiff? Let go, like a good little baby. Please, let go."
"Let me try," says your husband. "Okay, come on now, Kid. Let's get those arms in the sleeves. Easy does it. Hey! Did you hear me, Charlie? Let go. Move your arms. Move them!"
The nurse comes in. "Don't be upset," she .says. "It's always hard to dress them when they're little. My, what a good baby. Wide awake, but he doesn't make a sound."
"Yes, he's quiet," says your husband. "But he keeps fold^ ing his arms across his chest, and I can't pull them apart He's so strong, I can't even pry them apart."
"I don't think he wants his sweater on," you remark un­easily, a mother's intuition beginning to rise.
The nurse approaches your little bull with professional efficiency. "I'll do it. All right now, upsy daisy! In the sleeve-fist first-that's the way."
She forces the tiny arm through the opening in the sweater. Suddenly, your small bull's face turns a deep, bluish-purple-red color, and a wail is heard that brings every nurse on the floor rushing into the room. (It's more of a roar than a wail. The intern down the hall thought the boiler had exploded in the basement.) Your Taurus baby is just announcing that he doesn't appreciate being pushed. It's a warning. And it will be repeated.
Your neighbors will hear the same sound every time you try to press your May child into doing something he doesn't want to do. There will be lots of little problems like trying to stuff oatmeal into a mouth that's glued shut, pressing an iron leg into a pair of rubber panties, and trying to force a chubby, pink body, suddenly turned to unyielding cement, into the bathtub. You'll lose lots of weight and develop strong muscular control. Mothers of Taurus children always have muscles like Popeye, though they often look as haggard as Olive Oyl.
Outside of being just plain pig-headed, the Taurus baby is a delight to raise. Parents of Taurean boys and girls will find their youngsters cuddly and loving. They adore being squeezed and hugged and petted. The little bull with a cowlick or curly forelock will jump up on your lap to get a kiss and leave you out of breath with his bear hugs. He'll give your friends the same affectionate treatment, if he trusts them. The tiny Taurus girl will flirt from the high chair to get an extra helping of dessert. She's probably
Daddy's little girl. He'll find it hard to resist her limpid charm, as difficult as Mommy finds it to resist her Taurean son's quiet sweetness. The children of both sexes will be strong, healthy and athletically inclined. The boys will be all boys, sometimes little terrors, full of fun, sturdy and tough. The little girls will be all female, taking care of their dolls like small mothers, keeping things tidy and playing house. Some of them will be tomboys, and you'll catch them climbing trees or shooting marbles with the boys;
but essentially, they have all the charms of femininity to call on when they choose, and they'll choose often.
Taurus youngsters seem to be generally more compe­tent, even as toddlers, than other children. For one thing, they're emotionally stable, seldom subject to deep moods of depression, fits of impulsiveness or show-off tendencies. They can be negative and stubborn, sometimes shy and timid, but there are few of the normal hang-ups and grow­ing pains. Taurean dispositions are normally calm and pleasant. They're not easily ruffled or disturbed. Except when they balk at being pushed too far or too hard, their personalities are smooth, cheerful and quite predictable. There's a maturity about them that children born under other Sun signs (except Capricorn and Scorpio) lack. Even the very young Taureans are usually quite well-behaved in front of company, but they'll act as if the cat got their tongues if they're forced to be the center of attention. Leave them alone to play in the comer and the chances are that visitors will be impressed at how well they've been trained.
A Taurean youngster quietly minds his own business, and the young bull will seldom embarrass you by rudeness or a smart-alecky attitude. However, if you challenge his temper by teasing him (which he can't stand), by applying steady pressure, or demanding that he do something his mind is dead set against-he can turn belligerent. The only way out of such defiance is love. Never force. A Taurean child who's been forced by older people too often may turn into a silent, moody, cruel adult. Remember that he can't remain stubborn against physical demonstrations of affec­tion. A loving squeeze or a big, friendly kiss and a cheerful smile will coax him out of his obstinacy. Always speak gently and logically. Yelling and harsh voices raised in command will just make him shut his eyes and ears. He can resist discipline and orders until doomsday. He cant resist affection for a minute.
Even when he's very young, his mind will respond to common sense. If it sounds reasonable to him, hell do it- but he'll want a practical explanation. Nothing compli­cated. Just the plain, honest, unvarnished truth. "You have to go to bed now because I say so," will get you nowhere at all. That's neither sensible nor reasonable to him. How­ever, a softly spoken declaration like, "You have to go to bed now because we're going to turn out the lights. If you don't, we can't let you go out to play tomorrow, because you'll be too tired," will probably get him into his sleepers and ready for the sandman. It also works to say, "Hop into your warm bed now, between your nice, clean sheets, while I tuck in your soft baby bear blanket. Then I'll read you a little story." No matter how stubborn he has been, he'll almost always turn into a docile angel at those words. His is a very sensual nature, and describing the feel of things seldom fails to strike a responsive chord. Pushing him to give in to your demands is both futile and dangerous to his future personality.
Colors and sounds will affect his disposition and his emotions deeply. Bright, clashing oranges and reds in his room will make him restless and obstinate. Pastel shades, especially pink, rose and all tones of blue, will produce al­most magical results. This child will react to colors visibly. If they're harmonious to his Taurean vibrations, he'll re­main tranquil. If they're discordant, they can literally dam­age his emotional stability. Loud noises will have the same effect.
It's a good idea to give a Taurus child music or singing lessons as soon as possible. Almost every one of them will have a low, soft, melodious voice, and many of them have considerable vocal or musical talent, and you'll want to discover it while he's young enough to be trained in the right direction. Even if he's not going to make music his career, he'll enjoy listening to it on his own little record player in his room. He may prefer the classics to modem sounds or nursery rhymes. He'll probably like to draw, color or paint, and the chances are good that he may have some real artistic ability. Be sure your Taurus has lots of. paper and colored pencils. It's his favorite way of ex­pressing himself.
Teachers usually find the Taurus child a credit to the class. Unless there are afflicting planet positions in fhe nativity, Taurean boys and girls will be industrious in school, learn their lessons methodically and have excellent powers of concentration. They're not whiz kids like the Gemini and Aquarian or Aries students, but they probably won't be tardy or throw spit balls in study hall, though they may break up if Teacher gets her finger caught in the pencil sharpener. The Taurus youngster is ordinarily quite obedient. His mind absorbs slowly, but he never forgets what he's learned, once a fact or date is mastered. These boys and girls usually do well on tests, because they prepare for them carefully. They're often chosen leaders of group activities, due to their love of fair play-and also due to their obvious common sense and good judgment.
The Taurus child may give his elders a few bad moments because of his stubbornness, but they'll be few and far between. One mother of a young Taurean I know took her son to school one day and was sorry she didn't stay home and keep out of it. The little bull had insulted his teacher by insisting her facts were wrong. Sojvas the author of the textbook, naturally. The next day, his mother marched him to the teacher's desk with the firm command, "Apologize to Miss Applegarden, Sammy." That was about nine o'clock in the morning. At noon, in the principal's office, the mother was heard wearily repeating the order, "Apologize to Miss Applegarden, Sammy." Later in the day, after the students had been dismissed, the janitor was gathering up trash baskets. As he passed the office, he heard a strange, faraway, trembling voice, almost ghost-like, floating from the inner sanctum. "Apologize to Miss Applegarden, Sam­my," it said. "For the last time, apologize." Through the closed door came the hollow sound of a wooden paddle being applied. Then silence. The next day, the little boy was back at his desk. He had outlasted the teacher, his mother and the principal. He never did apologize. But he made the honor roll.
Once you're resigned to the knowledge that nothing this side of a derrick will move your Taurus youngster when he digs his sturdy toes in the earth, you'll enjoy watching him grow up. Hell probably get tons of dirt on his clothes playing with his toy trucks and tractors-and the hair of lit­tle Taurean boys has the oddest way of smelling like a warm bird's nest, no matter how often you wash it-but he won't lose his report card or his marbles. He won't drive Dad's car too fast and end up wrapping it around a telephone pole when he's older. He may raid the re­frigerator, and eat the fried chicken you were saving for dinner, or be tough on the new furniture. But he'll be mighty easy on your heart when he gets big. And he won't forget your birthday. Your little Taurus girl may tear her party dress climbing into her tree house, or go into a rage when someone breaks one of her precious possessions. But she'll help you bake gingerbread men, and you'll al­ways be welcome in her lovely home after she's happily 'settled down with her own family. Your grandchildren will probably be well-behaved, in either case.
Raise your little bull or heifer in a cozy, snug atmosphere of love. Surround him with visible affection instead of in­visible barbed wire fences. Don't pull on his homs too hard, and let him graze at his own calm tempo. Fill his ears with music and his eyes with beauty, and he'll fill your heart with peace someday. Even Miss Applegarden will for­give him.
"Haw the creatures order one about, and make one repeat lessons!"
"I sent to them again to say It will be better to obey."
You say you have one of those sweet Taurus bosses who never nags or fusses, and you don't need any advice or tips on how to handle that complacent, dear, docile creature? You have him just where you want him-in the palm of your hand? Well, you're certainly learning your Sun signs just in time to avoid a disaster. Before it's too late, you'd better memorize the one major rule for dealing with a Taurean executive: Don't try his patience too far.
It's a tougher rule than it seems. If he's a typical Taurus boss, he has such enormous patience, it's downright tempt­ing to try it. His manner is so peaceful and his disposition so spady, you're apt to think of him as "good old Mr. Bearimple." Then you'll start treating him like a nice, shag;y bear, who's a little stubborn perhaps, but kindly and perfday, you're safe. But who knows what tomorrow may brirs? It may bring you sudden regret that you tried the pati;nce of your Taurus boss too far. You may wish you hadi't imposed on his good nature with such casual confi­dent. It's not hard to see how you got on the wrong path. It bppens all the time to people who work for Taurean exeiutives. He's so meek and understanding when you turn in i letter that's sloppily typed, you may not bother to che;k your spelling too often afterwards. He's so consider­ate when you mess up the figures on your semiannual rep'rt, you may be a little careless with your math on otbr papers. Since he doesn't yell and glare at you when you take an extra half hour at lunch, you may try for an ixtra hour the next week, and gradually stretch it to twc hours. It's so easy to slide into a fool's paradise. Have yoi allowed yourself to drift into these lazy habits under the spell of your Taurean boss's easy-going personality anc quiet manner? You'd better hang one of those "Dan­ger-Ferocious Bull" signs (the kind you see out in the cointry) over your desk. It might save your life very sod, or at least your job, and sometimes one is pretty syonymous with the other. You can't very well say to yoir landlord, "I'm sorry I'm three months behind on my ret:, but I haven't found a new job yet. I got fired from my las one with no notice, because, you see, I had this boss wh> was born in May-and I didn't understand about the
Taurean temper because of the Venus rulership. It was that darned Venus that fooled me." If you find a landlord who won't give you an immediate eviction notice after that ex­planation, you must live in the land of Oz.
It's much easier to practice your Sun sign knowledge in the beginning. The reason your boss was so nice and un­ruffled when you typed that letter, made those mistakes in the report and lingered so long over your lunch hour, was not because he's a nice, shaggy bear pushover. Nor was it because he's too shy and timid to express his wishes or exert his authority. Frankly, he didn't see any point in em­barrassing you by making a big fuss over one or two or even a few goofs. He figured you had enough common sense (remember that phrase) not to repeat yourself like a broken record. He decided to watch you patiently to see if you were practical enough to profit by past errors on your own. Aye! There's the rub! His patience was care­fully calculated toward a definite purpose-to test you, and to give you a chance to prove your mettle. He admires people who learn the knack of disciplining themselves. He's a self-made man. Why shouldn't you be? He's willing to give you the opportunity.
He is determined to give everyone a fair break. He won't judge hastily. He won't expect miracles overnight, nor will he mind if you're a little slow in catching on to his methods and his very set procedures. You'll be given a chance to find your way around, and hell look the other way more than once if you stumble in the dark. But make no innocent, naive mistakes about his ultimate goal. He wants things done his way. His way could conceivably be the way things were done when the Smith Brothers got to­gether and decided to cure coughs, but to him, it's the tried and true, proven method. Besides those fellows still cure his coughs! As long as his methods keep making money, he's going to be loyal to them. He's willing to waste plenty of his huge supply of patience to find employees who fit his cement mold. However, once you've pressed his pa­tience too far, he will first balk, then snort in anger, and finally shout, "You're fired!"-possibly at the top of his lungs. (At least it will seem loud, because it will be so emphatic.) Your only warning will probably will be that he failed to answer your cheerful, unsuspecting, "Good morning," the previous day. Know beyond any doubt that he's not going to change his mind after he's decided to sack you. Nothing changes the Taurus mind, once it's made up. He may give you a generous slice of severance pay, because he doesn't want that cold-hearted landlord to throw you and your sick grandmother and the twelve chil­dren out in the snow. But he won't give you any more chances once he's firmly convinced himself that you're dead weight to the company he cherishes only a shade less than he does his wife. It's not that he is unkind. Your memory is short if you think that. His is not. Recall, as you read the classified ads for a new job, how kind he was for all those months when you were so carefully taking advantage of his faith in you.
The Taurean boss is a thoroughly practical soul. Al­though he needs to feel that his business allows him to ex­press the beauty in his nature creatively, he needs even more to succeed materially. Taurus men are never satisfied to run a small business. They want to build it into a pos­sible empire. The Taurus boss won't be content without some expansion, however minor. There will be no dra­matic, sweeping changes, and progress will proceed one step at a time. Hell build gradually, without flash or fan­fare, but he'll build. He sticks to anything he starts and finishes what he begins, and he'll expect you to do the same thing.
Don't try too many short cuts. He wants his facts plain, not fancy. Taurus bosses have no more patience with the art of gilding the lily than Capricorn executives. One of his favorite phrases will be, "Get to the point," but he'll say it without rancor or sarcasm. Lengthy preliminaries in ex­plaining ideas make him nervous, though he'll retain his outward immobility.
It will be frustrating when he refuses to budge an inch for your most exciting concepts, and when he won't let you try out that new system you read about in Fortune (or picked up from your brother-in-law, who's such a crackerjack promoter). Granted, sometimes he's wrong for refusing to listen to progressive ideas, and you'll feel smug when another company tries them first successfully. But over the long haul, when the final score is tallied, hell come out ahead. What if that new gadget he stubbornly rejected as "a harebrained abortion of some schizophre­nic's daydream" runs into a snag, and the company that zoomed ahead by using it suddenly goes bankrupt when the gadget backfires? Then your smugness will be replaced by a foolish feeling, and finally by respect for this some­times grumpy, often obstinate, but kindly and understand­ing boss, who has such a practical head on his sturdy shoulders.
Taurus executives usually prefer football to baseball, and peace to noisy arguments. He'll always try quiet common. sense discussions to avoid emotional scenes. Remember, common sense is his key phrase. But that doesn't mean he's lacking in imagination or appreciation of the finer things in life. You'll be pretty sure to make a large hit with him if you wear good perfume and polish your nails with a rosy tint (if you're a girl, that is). He loves nice smells and soothing, pastel colors. Youll also please him if you occasionally bring him a jar of home-made vichys-soise your mother cooked-but you'd better call it potato soup. Fancy names and titles don't impress him as much as they make him uneasy. Men who work for a Taurean should wear quiet, blue ties, sensible shoes, and keep their feet on the ground, not on his desk.
You may chafe at his stubborn, bull-headed attitude at least once a week, but remember this about your Taurus -boss: he's also stubborn about being loyal to people who never let him down. Be one of those people, and you'll never have to fear the dangerous bull. He's really quite gentle if the red flag of defiance isn't waved in his face too often. Grab some concrete blocks, and help him build his empire. He'll be glad to share it with you, if you deserve it. Promotion he understands. Featherbedding he does not. "Good old Mr. Bearumple" will expect you to carry your own weight, but he'll always give you a lift when the load gets heavy. He's strong and dependable. He says what he means and he means what he says. You won't need an interpreter. If he says you're a blockhead, leave quickly and quietly and don't quibble. If he says "You'll do well enough," you have real job security. That means you've passed his test of loyalty, sincerity, ability and potential. Move to the head of the class. You've made the honor roll. Congratulations! Don't let it swell your hat size, and you have a promising future ahead of you.
The TAURUS Employee
"Well, I never heard it before ... but it sounds uncommon nonsense.1
First of all, I hope you don't have your Taurus employee working for you as a salesman. If you do, have his horoscope checked as soon as you can. He may have some planets in Gemini, Aries, Leo or Pisces. In that case, you can safely let him continue to peddle your wares. Other­wise, you each would be better off if you gently eased him (for goodness sakes, don't push him) into some other position with your company.
As a promoter or salesman, he may not make the best possible impression on your clients. In giving a spiel to a customer, his normal attitude would be, "If you want it, take it. If you don't, move along." The average Taurus employee isn't about to perform a fast buck and wing for a prospective buyer. Nor is he noted for his golden tongue and outpouring of imaginative, descriptive phrases. Unless you call "Umph" and "Gumph" and "Mmm Hmm" and "Mumph" imaginative, descriptive phrases. Not that he doesn't have many sterling qualities. He does. But they're usually not the kind to sway people or press them into signing on the dotted line. He's far more likely to tell them why they shouldn't get involved.
The most important reason Taureans seldom gravitate to selling, however, is related to the basic Taurus need for security. He must feel a sense of security in his work, or his potential for success-which can be tremendous-will be markedly diluted. No matter how large the possible reward may be, if it fluctuates, the Taurus employee will prefer the safety of knowing how many dollar bills he can count each week. A Taurean on straight commission is usually one of the unhappiest human beings in the world. A set salary, plus a bonus incentive for sales, would come closer to giving him the sense of achievement he needs, but even so the position of salesman isn't the ideal spot for the bull.
Of course, there are a few exceptions to the rule, in addition to the aforementioned planetary influences. Most Taureans can handle certain low-pressure sales pitches with distinction, if the product is solid and stable, with built-in security. But the list is short. Farm equipment, tractors, manure spreaders, trucks and mowing machines or such would be right up his alley. Those he could sell. He talks the same language as the people who buy them. Money is another item he can handle on either side of the desk, and selling cash may even be a specialty. Translated, that means he's a super man to have in charge of the loan de­partment, if your business is banking. But let's be truthful, how much persuasion is needed to convince an insolvent man he needs money?
There may be a couple of other categories where he could shine as a salesman. Real estate, for instance. A Taurean is perfectly at home showing people through houses or telling them about the value of the land. He'll point to the view and say, "Umph." Then hell describe the landscaping possibilities with an ecstatic "Grumph." After that, he'll demonstrate the plumbing and closet space with "Mmm Hmm," and finally discuss the financing with a firm "Mumph." Hard as it may be to believe, the answer from the prospective home buyer will probably be, "Yep. I'll take it." After which the Taurus salesman will answer, "Okay. You've got it." Or something similar. The trick here is that the Taurean honesty and obvious de­pendability impresses people who are socking down enough money for a house. Then there's the field of education. He believes in firm foundations and facts with such fervor, and he has such faith in preparing for the future, along with a positive distaste for ignorance, that he could talk a girl into taking the engineering course at M.I.T. He wouldn't see anything silly at all about a female studying engineering. To him, practical is practical, regardless of sex.
There's also a possibility that a Taurean with a Gemini ascendant or Mars in Gemini would make a superior radio or TV announcer. The typical, musical tones of Taurean speech coupled with Gemini charm and glibness can make him a natural in such media. Then, too, if the right planets were in Aries at birth, their influence could conceivably combine with his Taurus Sun to give him exceptional pro­motional or public relations abilities, though he would never be a high-pressure type. I'm afraid that just about covers the territory for a Taurus salesman. In most other areas, and without the proper additional planetary influ­ences, he's much better off doing things that come more naturally to his imperturbable nature.
One of those things is known in politics as holding the center together, an ability which is also extremely valuable in the business world. Whatever desk he's assigned to, he'll root himself behind it with determination to succeed, and he probably will. He'll work slowly and aim for perfection, which he usually achieves if he's left alone and not pushed too fast. The more responsibility the position requires of him, the smarter you'll be to put him in charge. You'll seldom enjoy the services of a more dependable, trust­worthy and honest employee. Hell seek to help your com­pany expand, not his own ego. A successful Taurean wear» the same hat size as he did when he was still trying.
Much as he dislikes change, if he's an exceptional Taurus, you won't keep him forever. He won't leave be­cause he's flighty, but for a basic reason that's part of his nature. Once he's established the growth of your company, he's not the type to remain there and run it for you. Taurus is more interested in building power and wealth. He likes his freedom too much to be tied to the constant manipulations of guiding a complicated business, or of being the unseen cog. He's reliable and content to stick, but he wants to be free to continue to build instead of being tied up with intricate details. When there's no more incentive to grow with your firm, he'll feel the legendary Taurean itch to lay his own foundation and erect his own empire, minor or major.
A Taurus employee, whether he's exceptional or average, is always an outstanding worker, and one of his most endearing qualities is his willingness to take orders without resentment. The reason behind it is simple. He has an inner conviction that the way to become a boss who gives orders is to be first a cheerful subordinate who takes orders. His respect for authority is based on his knowledge that when he becomes an executive, he'll expect his employees to follow his directions. As a boss himself, hell have definite and probably rigidly set ideas and methods. There­fore. he finds nothme stranae or unpleasant about your insistence on adhering to a fixed pattern when he works for you. As far as he's concerned, you're in charge.
Such an attitude is obviously quite a bonus, but don't let his kindly disposition nor his sensible acquiescence to superiors fool you into thinking he can be easily shoved around. He has a sort of Machiavellian detachment toward those who think they're manipulating him, and he'll handle them with smooth tact and diplomacy. Yet, if you look closely, you'll see his tongue is in his cheek while he's humoring the aggressive people who try to drive him. In the end, Taurus will have his own way. His success is even more assured by his ability to wait as long as necessary until he wins out over the pushy types. However, when his personal emotions are trampled on or his deep pride is hurt, his cool steadiness may disappear and be replaced by a childish stubbornness. Remember, that while he's pouting, he's combustible, and liable to explode finally in a fierce display of temper. It won't last long, and the bull will be ominously quiet after such a "charge," but if the cause isn't rectified immediately, he'll simply leave, and he won't glance behind him. When a Taurus goes out the door, he has left. There won't be any sheepish returns to try again. The back of his broad shoulders will be the last you see of him. Nothing you can say or do will per­suade him to reconsider. The bull makes up his mind so slowly in the first place, there's never any need to take a second look at the matter. Taurean foresight precludes the need for hindsight. Since his is such a sensual, loving na­ture, you can probably find plenty of ex-sweethearts who will sadly tell you that when he waves goodbye he doesn't come back for encores. In both love and business, people frequently make the mistake of thinking the Taurean's pa­tience is eternal, just because it takes him so long to lose it.
The female Taurean employee is usually a real jewel. If she's a typical Taurus, she'll have a quiet, low-pitched voice and soothing manner. These women normally make great executive secretaries. Emergencies don't throw them off balance. A crisis brings out the best in them, and that's considerable. She may be a bit slower than the others with typing and dictation. She's not exactly a fireball, and you'll never see her riding a motorcycle to work, but her job will get done. Well done. Like the males, she feels that if a job is worth doing at all it's worth doing well, to the very best of her ability. Every May person has that motto chiseled somewhere permanently. This girl won't yawn in your face when you're expounding your pet theories. If the ideas are practical, shell probably converse with you about them like a man. Her views will be worth bearing, and her ap­proach will be sensible and logical. But don't let that give you the impression she's not a real female.
Be careful. This is not a woman who will ordinarily be­come involved in casual office flirtations. She can cut up and be loads of laughs, but underneath her warm, bovine humor is a mind firmly set on marriage. If she accepts a dinner invitation twice, she's probably already sizing you up as a good provider for a lifetime, not just an exciting date for a rainy Thursday. These women are quite serious about the stakes in any romantic game. If you fit the qualifications of a Taurean female as husband material, you're not an ordinary man by anybody's slide rule. The man in the company who's the recipient of the Taurus woman's attentions is the man to watch. He's going some­where. If it happens to be yourself, you may soon lose a peach of a secretary, but you'll get a wife in a million, which should bring you out ahead.
Female Taurus employees are pleasant to have around because they smell nice, they look nice, they're gracious and they don't smoke cigars, among other things. (Unless you happen to have one with an Aries Moon or ascendant, who would smell and look just as nice, but who might very well smoke cigars and shout a little.)
Taurus people of both sexes hate to sleep in strange beds, a phrase they're fond of repeating. Therefore, most Taurean men and women prefer to spend their vacations at home. Barring a Gemini Moon or Sagittarius ascendant, the grass will always look both greener and thicker in the bull's own backyard. When he's on vacation, sensually sip­ping lemonade and inhaling the scent of flowers from his hammock, you can safely call him in for an office emer­gency. Hell probably oblige with a good-natured grin, and even feel it's his duty to help out. But don't impose too often. There's a limit to his patient acceptance of repeated impositions, and it's foolhardy to risk making him angry to discover that limit. Stop while you're ahead.
The bull works happily as a florist, in the livestock or poultry industry, in supermarkets or in the wholesale food industry. He makes a good doctor or engineer, too. And he can be quite contented in an artistic career. The sound of music and the visual hypnotism of art pull him mag­netically. He's never more at home than when he's ex­pressing himself creatively, through his senses, as long as the financial rewards are sound and the foundation isn't shaky.
A Taurus songwriter is usually miserable, especially dur­ing the lean years, before he writes his first big hit. But when he combines his creative talent with the more stable, secure task of producing records or arranging scores, he's in his own element. You'll find that every Taurean singer or composer, without exception, eventually ends up in the production end of the music business to some degree.
After the bull has found the right meadow, where the opportunities grow plentifully, he seldom seeks change or new fields to conquer. He'll weigh, balance and soak up knowledge of his career through years of devotion to it. He can put up with a lot, if he's convinced himself there's a future, and if the occupation fits him snugly or "feels good" to him. Taurus is incredibly capable of persevering until the reward comes, but only when he's at the center of things, never when he's insecurely chewing around the edges and hoping for a break. Once he feels the necessary sense of achievement and security beneath him, and once he's planted himself in a position where he can build ever higher, he moves forward with confidence. Then he becomes irresistible to the elusive, fickle goddess of success. It won't turn his head. He'll stay faithful to her, but he'll put her in her place-and it will be a lifelong love affair.

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