"When people consult me, it's not that I'm reading the future; I am guessing at the future. Based on the omens of the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it, what comes later will also be better."
Friday, February 11, 2011
It was filled with 20 participants and a night of secrets as i spoke on the 12 chinese zodiacs and of how to use the day master followed by a yusheng lao hei session.
Here i am preparing the yusheng for the participants.
Teaching them how to use the 10,000 year calender to look for their individual daymasters.
Me and my dear wife after the entire event.
Thank you mysterious cafe for this opportunity to share my skills.
We are offering to teach the Tarot in 12 weeks or 3 months
Basic Lessons The course would teach the student the meanings of the 78 cards. The Way to easily familiarize to the Waite Rider Deck. The Method to attune to one’s intuition. The Method to choose good tarot decks. At the end of the basic course there will be a small test to see how well the student has mastered the meanings of the tarot.
Outline of the course Lesson 1: Introduction to Tarot Lesson 2: Major Arcana Lesson 3: Suit Wands Lesson 4: Suit Cups Lesson 5: Suit Swords Lesson 6: Suit Pentacles.
Advance Lessons Being competent in the meanings of the cards. The next stage will teach how the student would use the cards and also the meanings of having more of a certain type of card would affect the reading. In addition, the Qabalah and the Cadeceus would be taught.
Lesson 1: The Qabalah and Cadeceus Lesson 2: The choice of significator. Lesson 3: Basic Tarots Spreads Lesson 4: Celtic Cross, Basic and Advance.
My code of ethics in Tarot reading.
Code of Ethics in doing Tarot Reading.
1) I will tell what I can see from the cards be it good or ill.
2) I will not judge the client based on the reading.
3) I will not advise the client on matters I do not have profession knowledge of such as legal issues, investment issues and medical issues.
4) I will not offer Legal, medical or financial advice that I am not legally capable of providing All readings are confidental and clients are assured of my discression in all cases except those that require legal testimoney as that I am not a Doctor, Lawyer, Minister or Therapist.
5) I will not preach my religion to the client and will not criticize my client’s religion or faith.
6) I will let the Tarot is a reflection of his or her sub conscious thoughts on the subject matter and may not be the actual outcome of the matter which would be based on his or her action. It would only help in making him or her more aware of the matter.
7) I will inform the client on how to phrase his questions. Such as if he is troubled and would like a reading based on his finances. I would ask him to be more specific. Such as his job or some financial investment he is going into or such.
8) I will not do readings concerning Luck based games such as lottery, bets on soccer matchs or jack pot games.
After the spread is done based on a question.
9) I will let the client ask all the meaning of the cards in the spread which I do.
10) I will let the client know if his question is related question from which the spread is done and whether I can answer it based on the current spread. If I am unable to answer, I would inform the client that I need to do a new spread for him.
11) If I feel that the client has asked a question (concerning his wealth or success in a business project) and the spread and the cards are telling me that his main concern is not his wealth or the project but something else such as family issues or such. I would inform the client.
12) If the client is not satisfied in his reading or I feel he is not serious in the process of tarot reading, I would refund his money.
I will keep to my ethics and principles of doing a reading.
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