Tuesday, April 1, 2008


LO SCARABEO is one of the biggest publisher of tarot cards in Europe. Their cards can range from modern to classical to erotic. In the above picture, these are considered the modern decks, the centre is the fey tarot which is of fairies and a bit cartoonish.... the top left is the witchy tarot whose main theme is on witches. the top right is from the mermaids which feature memaids in the tarot..... bottom right is from the gnome tarot and bottom left is from the native tarot which features north amercian themes......

The one in the centre is my favourite erotic tarot card of justice. the ones on the right are from the casanova tarot and the ones on the left are from the manara erotic tarot.

They also produced a lot of tarot from egyptian themes to the classical rider waite tarot redrawn....
For most of their decks artisty is very very important..... but not all their decks are good.....
My fav decks from them are the Fey tarot, the manga tarot, the china tarot and the erotic tarot.
Their website is as follows. http://www.loscarabeo.com/

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