Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Recently, several clients and friend have requested for me to tell them which career would suit them better or which is the best career path for them.

Normally, i would use Astrology and tell them based on their midheaven point in the astrology. In addition to this i will analyse their characters and destiny paths plus using the chinese 4 pillars of destiny.八字. This method is the most accurate, but very very time consuming which most clients being impatient and want a one shot answer would not want.

Hence i came up with a quick fix spread. 8 card career spread.

Cards 1 to 4 represents 4 different suit and 4 career paths.

1) wands: creative, leadership, manager type position, pioneers.

2) cups: human relations, COUNSELING, healing, mothering, writing poems, music, sales.

3) swords: teaching, communications, intellectual, planning, administration. Legal. marketing,

4) Pentacles: banking, financial, accounting. property. building, production.

Cards 5-7 refers to a person's ability or the reasons why he is suited for the work.

Card 8 is advice and how to achieve your career.

In this example. the best card for the career choice is either card 1 or card 2.

Which is the emperor and the star. So this person is suited to be a manager.

As for the reason why he is suited to be a leader is that he is practical 8 of pentacles, solves problems Ace of swords, stable and fixed leader King of pentacles.

How to achieve this, is to venture and wait. 3 of wands.

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