Monday, July 7, 2008

ignorance leads to fear, TAROT

"There will always be ignorance, and ignorance leads to fear. " BILL GATES.
ignorance leads to fear.
If people don't understand something or do not know about things, he is ignorant.
As such they would try to cure his ignorance, by justifying and learning about it.
This leads to progress of science.
A century ago, prior to 1903, If someone stated that men would fly, all would laugh at him......
Even after the commercial flight being used, people who do not understand. Still feared flying.
Hence, there was ignorance.
In the dark ages, there were plagues and disasters. Small pox killed millions.....
People blamed witches or people with the ability to use tarot cards, fortune tellers and anything not of the church out of fear of the disease.....
As a tarot reader to help others using tarot or astrology, knowledge is very important.....
if the tarot reader is not skilled, not sure, ignorant..... fear will follow and that is bad.....
When i read for another, i will use my knowledge and explain each card to the fullest based on Astrology, numerlogy and the basic tarot meaning. If that is not satisfactory to my client, i will request to do an additional spread for the question.

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