Friday, January 9, 2009


In the tarot, there are many cards with the meanings of entrapment or bondage. It could mean service contracts, weddings, or legal matters, view of tradition. The cards which we are going to discuss are eight of swords, lovers, hierophant, devil and the wheel of fortune....

The eight of swords, traditionally is the meaning of interference or obstruction. It means that one is restricted in his or her choices. That a promise or obligations are to be met. These promises or obligations can be liberated since the querant is oblivious to the alternatives which is the paths open to them.

Lovers. the card of commitment to a relationship. In the fool's story the fool being bound by a relationship with the opposite sex, tarries on his journey. It means to be trapped by love and to have emotional attachment to matters.

Hierophant, the pope. This is the card of restrictions by red tape, legal matters, bureaucracy.... in most readings in could also mean being stubborn or trapped by traditional views and mind set. It being ruled by Taurus is the greatest sense of order and tradition. Hence it means bonds of tradition.

The Devil, Binds one to one's instinct. Whereas the hierophant represents laws of traditional. the Devil represents lust or compulsion to do an act based on instincts or habits. it means the binding of habits to a person.

Finally, the wheel. We are all on the wheel of life. when we start we are bound by luck and changes of luck to or against our favour. Karma is also represented here. Give what and what will come back to you. We are all bound by the wheel and entraped by its instincts.....

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