Wednesday, September 12, 2012


 Seraphinite is a good stone It heals one's emotions and feelings. It removes away bad feelings and helps with depression. The wearer is given an auric field with the vibrations of wholeness and well-being.

Its aids in releasing emotional energies that no longer serve

My experience with this stone is that it gave me clarity and hope in a time when i was about to give up all i was doing.
Affirmation of this stone is I call forth the patterns of healing, wholeness and regeneration, for the wellness of my body and the evolution of my soul and spirit.
Angel Phantom quartz.

This quartz gave me hope and sweet dreams when i found it It also came when i bought my serphinite....

It is a record keeper but the secrets it has i m my too sure or does not have the key to unlock it yet.

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